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Site-Specific Installation

...Pero se come rico

"…But you eat delicious"


Is a site-specific installation that seeks to open a space for questioning about the ambivalences of what it means to be Peruvian.


Within a chaotic socio-political framework like the one we have lived in for years, which has been exacerbated since the end of 2022, with growing uncertainty about the future, "...Pero se come rico" appears. The title of the installation comes from a very popular phrase in which pride in our gastronomy ends -consciously or unconsciously- minimizing the fact of living in a country full of contradictions and social differences.


This opens the question about what we do as Peruvians of a certain social and cultural class in the face of the constant political and socio-cultural abuse that happens in our country. Lima seems to exist within a smoke screen, a perennial fog that "protects" the most privileged from seeing or acting on reality, while for other social classes, that same smoke is an indication of constant fires and tear gas used against them when they stood up in protest of an evident inequality.


"...Pero come se rico" does not seek to issue judgment or opinion on the highly polarized situation we are experiencing, but rather to be a space for demonstrating and reflecting on the ease of living undisturbed by such inequality, varnishing it with the apparent wealth of our country (Peru).


...Pero se come rico

Site-specific multi-sensory installation in a 400sqm suburban house in Lima, Peru. 4 hours long installation in which the house gets entirely flooded with water and immersed with light, sound and scent pieces that transport the viewer into emotional & dysfunctional livings of a heteronormative catholic family.

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